

Thursday, December 15, 2011

La Llorona

I remember as a child our dad use to tell us the story of the time he saw La Llorona (Weeping Woman) As legend has it (And I just found out) La Llorona is the spirit of a mother that drowned her two boys and now she wanders the banks of rivers looking for them and crying. But he would tell us that one night he was walking and he heard a woman crying by the river so he went over to the sound and he saw the woman hunched over crying saying "Ay, Mis hijos" (" Oh, My Boys.") He went over to her and talked to her after and then scary stuff happen. lol. I can't seem to remember anything after that. I think my mind truly blocked it out. I'll get the whole story again. Just thought I'd post what was on my mind.

Okay update. I call the old man and asked him to tell the story again. And actually this didn't happen to him, but the his friend's Uncle who lived down in New Mexico. And as the Uncle was walking home. He was crossing a bridge at night. He heard the faint sound of a baby crying. He looked down on the bank of the river he saw a baby bundled up in a blanket. So he ran down to the crying baby. Pick it up. He then unfolded the blanket away from the baby's face. As soon as he did that the baby stopped crying, looked at him as said in a low scratchy voice "Mirada. Tengo las garras y tengo los dientes." meaning "Look. I have nails (as in claws) and I have teeth." Well needless to say this scared the hell out of him. So he put down the child and ran home. They went back the spot in the morning but there was nothing to be found..... It's funny because as he was telling me this story over the phone he kept saying... "Uwe... I just got the chills" He said that about 3 times telling this story again. He then shared a few more ghost stories But those are for some other time.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Screw knocked tight.

Well It's been awhile since my last post.... But I type again. Well to tell the truth I got into a fight the other night. I mean a actual throw down caveman fist fight. I was pretty fun... But here I am almost a week later and I have caught a bug. Or in that fight I had a screw knocked tight. Because I always love this curious/ busy mind feeling... It's the creator. He's back. It's the little voice in me that isn't afraid of anything and encourages me to create without holding back anything. So.... I am dipping back into the fun world of electronics. It's been a long time since I seen a schematic but I have ideas.. And I need to figure them out. Please be on the look out for fun new creations. If my hair brain schemes pan out.