

Monday, October 31, 2011

This weekend = Halloween Mahyem!

Wow what a weekend. And for your info 26.6% of that last sentence was "W". A little over 11 times the use in the English language (2.36%). LOL. I was called a nerd yesterday and they may be right,  But I still can kick some ass.
Back at the ranch, Friday we took the kids to a corn maze, which was a great time for everyone.
There was a huge slide plus a haunted corn maze and a sub-plot of young girls for our boys to learn the ins and outs of opposite sex social relations away from technology (priceless).  Truthfully, I must say I can wait for our girls to get old enough to partake in these activities.  We mazed it up and scared quite a few people in the maze because, well, we are kinda assholes and it is fun to scare strangers, lol.
We shuttled our buns home to show our girls the joy of Molly Ringwald in 16 candles!
The next morning we did a little cleaning, breakfast and Jen and I ran to the store to get the final things we needed for Jack and Angel's party, including the haunted house they all set-up in the basement... FUN! So it was a mad rush to get 6 people dressed up and ready, to be honest it was a mad rush for my Jenn (which she did great)... TCB baby... Jack and Angel let us be part of the haunted house.. Man that was fun... Including hearing about all the fog in the basement and the crew laughing and saying that this how a "1000 ways to die" episode is. lol. We all lived and got our party on with great friends.  We got home safely and rested it off until morning and everyone was totally drained but we had pumpkins to crave.... So BAM! we are all outside craving pumpkins. Once again Jen TCB. then more cleaning up and dinner at my parents house. (CAUTION: Corny touchy feely stuff beyond this point.) I must say I am blessed. Have  you ever wanted something in your life but you never knew what it really is?  You know it is something and it is real, but it eludes you for really all your life…
I play it out to my manhood, my warrior inside of me that feels the need to build and to protect and provide. Which I have done that for all my days but now it feels on purpose.  I love it.  I tell my wife that I am a hammer and she is my anvil, as UN-romantic as that sounds it works (stay with me here).  I was swinging at life because that is what a hammer does, sometimes it is constructive and sometimes (most times for me) it was destructive. With Jenn in my life, my perfect supporter and opposition, my perfect anvil,  we can create beautiful things in life. That is exactly what we do..
That's my story... Happy Halloween everyone.

Friday, October 28, 2011


Today I been just listening to devilishly smooth music of the insanely talented Maynard James Keenan. And one of his projects known as Pucsifur. So needless to say my insides are a heaping pile of musical goo. Building some sort of structure between songs only to be torn back down when the next song starts. I must say I love this feeling. It's almost like a drug induced euphoria. It's the feeling you get in your stomach after you have eaten a really hot pepper. (No not heartburn either) A numbness inside you but you are anything but numb. emotions swirl and mix so to choose any one is impossible. Is this Zen? The outside world is free to flow through me. I soak up every sound, every smell, every breeze. and it pours from me just as easy as it came in... It makes me think "Why can't I always feel this way?" But I also think I am defenseless to the world. Open to the great things it has to offer but also the bad. Someday I promise myself that I will be able to come into this mode or mood at will. That is all that is on my mind for now. Have a great weekend....

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Robots and volcano burritos

Okay this morning after waking up from a epic dream of fighting alien robots dropping upon the masses like bombs from these massive star ships. Lucky for us as advanced as the alien race that waged war on the humans might be, their robot warriors weren't all to bright. And as far their laser weapons it would catch your clothes on fire and give you flesh a nice branding. The laser needed to be fix on a certain area for a long time to do any fatal damage. However their mechanical bodies were pretty frail and light so I could pick them up a body slam them hard enough to destroy them. But did I mention that there were thousands of them that dropped in from the skies? But anyways. I laid there in bed one eye awake and one eye asleep and cranky as my Jen ALWAYS feels the need to tell me every morning. I roll out of bed and put on some clothes, well a shirt and a pair of pants. My feet I left bare because I had to go down stairs and fetch me a pair of socks. But before I was going to do that I stumble into the bathroom and start my ritual of deodorant and oral care. Check, Check, and Check. Well my bride tells me that there is a burrito for each of us in the kitchen she had prepared. Yummy I thought. And what a lucky guy I am. Well I walked into the kitchen and there on the counter sat this long tightly wrap bean and cheese burrito toasted with a whole wheat tortilla surrounding the hot contents..... And next to it was a bottle of Frank's hot sauce..... So on comes the hot sauce shower. I opened my mouth to take a hardy bite and as my teeth sank into the burrito a weak spot in the whole wheat tortilla gave way to the built in pressure and blew a hole in the sidewall about midway... The split spewed molten cheese and re fried bean like a stream of hot lava from a volcano. Well as gravity worked its way on the molten mess my bare foot just so happened to be right under its path. So splat! Right on the little piggy that stayed home... Now I felt the burrito's insides hit my foot and felt the slight sensation of the burrito burning my mouth as I bit. Was thinking "Wow this is pretty hot. I better be careful." But then it hit me... The pain of searing heat rose from my foot to my brain.... My eyes open wide... I start shaking my foot. But as you can imagine the lava mess stuck like glue.... I couldn't help it... With my mouth full I let out a scream... YYYYEEEEEOOOOOWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!! I quickly took my hand and started wiping the beans off my toe.... burning my hand too but my hands are slightly more use to dealing with heat.... I start dancing, soaking in all the pain so I wouldn't start crying like a baby......... Only to explain my story to Jen and Nevaeh and get ridiculed from their laughter... But I got the "Oh honey I'm sorry... It's not funny. But it's so funny." I guess she was talking about my scream....