

Friday, October 28, 2011


Today I been just listening to devilishly smooth music of the insanely talented Maynard James Keenan. And one of his projects known as Pucsifur. So needless to say my insides are a heaping pile of musical goo. Building some sort of structure between songs only to be torn back down when the next song starts. I must say I love this feeling. It's almost like a drug induced euphoria. It's the feeling you get in your stomach after you have eaten a really hot pepper. (No not heartburn either) A numbness inside you but you are anything but numb. emotions swirl and mix so to choose any one is impossible. Is this Zen? The outside world is free to flow through me. I soak up every sound, every smell, every breeze. and it pours from me just as easy as it came in... It makes me think "Why can't I always feel this way?" But I also think I am defenseless to the world. Open to the great things it has to offer but also the bad. Someday I promise myself that I will be able to come into this mode or mood at will. That is all that is on my mind for now. Have a great weekend....

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